Sunday, November 1, 2009

What Disturbs Ibadat!!!

As Salam Alaikum!!!

All of us desire and intend to do prayers with utmost concentration but find it difficult to really concentrate and do full justice to our prayers or Ibadat. There are many factors which create nuisance in our mind and always have the potential to harm our Ibadat. And so it becomes imperative on us to avoid all those things which have such nuisance value. Because we cannot get the proper concentration unless and until we do Tark e Duniya and do it the way it is meant to be done.

Getting back to the point of discussion or the topic of my article - what are the factors which have the potential of disturbing our Ibadat. Today I will try and discuss only one aspect and which I feel is pretty common and is the one of the factors with most disturbing value. Plus it has the potential to create Fitna, if spread and appears as a rumour,  which again is a highly reprehensible act in the eyes of Allah SWT

Many of us are very interested in knowing things which does not have any bearing on our own self - whether good or bad. Suppose there is a conversation among two persons or among a group which is absolutely private in nature but many of us would still want to know what has transpired there? We are interested in knowing the salary of others, about what a person is doing, about what kind of relationship a husband and wife are having or discussing about someone else when it has no bearing on our worldly or spiritual life. 

We forget that if a private affair is private then there is absolutely no point in making it public. How can one - who is not present when a particular conversation has taken place or is unaware of what transpired between 2 persons - understand the true import of the whole conversation. and therefore, how can he or she be in a position to do justice to the whole thing. Neither he/she can add any positive to it or reduce if there is negativity in it. 

And everyone is aware that all of us have many issues which disturb our concentration in remembering Allah (either during Zikr or Salat) so it really does not make any sense that we try to get involved or spending useful time in find out what happened even though that particular incident has no bearing (good or bad) on us. If  we have nothing to gain or lose from a particular information then it is better not to be curious (intentionally or unintentionally) to find out and add more disturbing factors to our already overburdened mind and further disturb our Ibadat. 

Ibadat requires ultimate concentration. It is already difficult to attain that level  and bring the kind of Khushu and Khuzu that is enjoined upon us by Allah without doing Tark-e-Duniya. So why unnecessary add up issues which have the  potential of disturbing our mind and consequently our Ibadat. Ibadat is supreme to everything else. So we should always try to minimize our involvement in the worldly affairs in order to make it easier to do our prayers that much more peacefully and beautifully. 

The best preparation for the life after Tark e Duniya is to practice Uzlat uz Khalq in our Kasabi life. We should try and minimize, as much as possible, our involvement in worldly affairs and keep it to bare minimum and to the point where it is absolutely necessary. That way we will be able to practice the kind of lifestyle which Allah SWT loves and appreciates.  We should avoid Kaifiyat-e-Izterab, Confusion, and develop Qana'at Pasandi, Taqwa, Abstinence and Shukr  in each and every action plus in every situation we come across and not question Allah SWT why He did this or cry about our fate. We should try to have total faith in Allah SWT.

May Allah make all of us live a life of a Momin and make us all die a life of a Momin. 

Ameen Summameen Ya Rabb ul Aalameen.

Khudahafiz O Nasir.

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